Color Blindness The Facts

If you have color blindness, you are able to see the colors but find it quite difficult to distinguish between some colors. Also, not everyone who has experienced color blindness has trouble seeing similar colors.  Some may not be able to distinguish between yellows from blues while others have a problem differentiating between greens and reds. Very few people suffer from a condition known as monochromatism where you can only see in Black and White.

Causes of color blindness

Color blindness is inherited and is caused by abnormal photo-pigments.  Within the retina, in cone-shaped cells, you can find the color-detecting molecules. These cone-shaped cells are known as cone cells.  In the human body, several genes are required to

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Double Eyelid And Eye Care

Most women are always self-conscious about their bodies and their physical features, and they like to look perfect and flawless in every possible way. That is why women across several cultures use makeup to play with their features. Big, beautiful and expressive eyes are rated more attractive than other facial features. It is true that the eye morphology of the Asians is quite distinct to that of the westerners. It has been estimated that roughly 50% of Asian women are born with a minimal or supratarsal eyelid crease, which is attributed to their genetic makeover. But, they believe that double eyelids give the impression of bigger and brighter eyes. That is why the double eyelid surgery (creation of

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Are Eye Infections Contagious?

Many of the bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria which invade your body can also attack the interior or surface of the eye. It can affect the inner eyelids and moist membrane lining in the outer eye.  Most commonly occurring eye infection is conjunctivitis that is usually caused by the virus known as an adenovirus.  This kind of infection is contagious and can easily spread through eyes to hands.  

Other types of serious infection and causes are listed below:

  • Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome- It is an infection which is caused by a fungus in the lungs. This fungus might migrate to the retina and damage them.  
  • Endophthalmitis- This infection can occur because of an eye injury or rare complication
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Fine Options for the Greater Details for Eye Care

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most sensitive, therefore it ages before anyone else. Fatigue, lack of sleep, stressful situations, poor ecology and unhealthy diet first manifest themselves in the form of bags, swelling and premature wrinkles around the eyes.

Cleansing Terms of makeup

Try to wash off the makeup with soft smooth movements: do not have three eyes and do not stretch the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using biphasic makeup removers consisting of an oil and water base. The oil part is responsible for the removal of cosmetics, water – for cleansing and toning the skin. After applying the product, be sure to wash it with water. Never wash your face with soap and alcohol,

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